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Digital revolution 2024
13 years ago, the electronic waste records procedure for the disposal of hazardous waste became mandatory in Germany. NSUITE had already gone live as software for the eANV three years earlier - the early voluntary introduction simplified and shortened work in the companies and prepared NSUITE customers for the legal changes in a relaxed manner.
In 2015, the NSUITE product range was expanded to include NSUITE.transfer, with which cross-border waste shipments could be processed digitally in accordance with the EUDIN standard valid throughout Europe, analogue to eANV. 9 years later, fully electronic records will also be mandatory in the first federal state from 2024. Digital documents have already been accepted on a voluntary basis in Saarland and Thuringia. Lower Saxony wants to make this possible from the summer.
The switch from the analogue to the digital process is very simple - the familiar forms can now be completed even more quickly and conveniently on a PC instead of on paper. The interfaces to other waste operators and authorities will be provided by NSUITE. Anyone already using NSUITE can seamlessly continue to use data such as user and client administration, as well as communication with the ZKS from their existing system in the NSUITE.transfer portal. In addition to the digital processing and sending of accompanying documents, these can also be sent by post, e-mail or fax or downloaded from the system.
Thanks to this foresight and pioneering role, NSUITE is one of the two largest providers of eANV in Germany with around 17,000 registered official numbers and approx. 5,000 customers, as well as the market leader in decentralised systems, eANV portal solutions and eANV with qualified electronic signatures.
We are happy to advise interested parties and existing customers on NSUITE.transfer without obligation - contact us by phone, e-mail or via our contact form.